2011年6月2日 星期四

the most assaultive and deadly doctrine i have ever seen! sweet!

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The following are the protocols or the Doctrine of Discipline and purposes of existence strickly practiced by the Sundangan practitioners:

1. Exist as a Filipino Visayan Native Knife Fighting Organization that deals in the reality of street and combat survival realism.

2. Exist to establish camaraderies, brotherhood and respect to all those who respect our existence.

3. Exist to maim those who will question the reputation of the Instructors, practitioners and members of the group.

4. Exist to preserve the Art and destroy those who will question its integrity.

5. Exist to overcome the danger of being cut or stabbed during the actual confrontation without fear and hesitancy.

6. Exist to prove superiority in the field of Knife Fighting Technology.

7. Exist to develop Fighters with the ability that can destroy the enemy without any recovery.

8. Exist to produce Tactical and Strategic Knifers to become Fighters.

9. Exist to spread the importance of the Filipino Culture, Customs and Tradition.

10. Exist to accelerate Survival Awareness, Mental Clarity and Health and life preservation.

11. Exist to introduce Correct Human Characterestic and Capability and not by Animals, Elements and Methology.

12. Exist to develop derivable weapons into lethal usable weapons.

13. Exist to eliminate the Adulteration, inclussion, and the so called combination in the purity of the FMA.

14. Exist to prove that the nature of warfare is weaponry not empty hand.

